Every single company of the group holds the commitment and respect for with environment and develops its own actions towards in support of Human Rights, Labour Rights and fight against corruption. Goals aligned with the 10 principles of the UN Global Impact and the development of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


We are focused on being a sustainable Group. With a roadmap that shows our commitment to the Environment and Society.

Use and implementation of Renewable Energies in our facilities

Sustainable Mobility for our Motor Park

Efficient and sustainable products

Facilities with energy saving certification


We face the challenge of being part of the Circular Economy Transition. That is why we are committed to applying resource recovery strategies, reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency in all of our processes and projects.

We will never cease to implement actions that generate sustainable economic growth to create value and impact on society.


We improve processes and security as a short-term priority. We are a customer and innovation driven group. For all of this, the products we manufacture are always different, comply with all safety standards and are sustainable along their Value Chain. We seek excellence in all our actions to improve the experience of our customers and consumers.

Our companies have implemented the internal necessary procedures to certify all of our supplier’s quality standards. We maintain stable, long-term and both-sides profitable relationships prioritizing local suppliers as part of our commitment to local development.

Las empresas que forman Masergrup han desarrollado un compromiso con el respeto y desarrollo, realizando acciones a favor de los Derechos Humanos, los Laborales, el Medio Ambiente y la lucha contra la corrupción. En primer lugar, el fin de la pobreza, seguido del hambre cero, a continuación, salud y bienestar, por supuesto, la educación de calidad, entre otros. Pretendemos ser un grupo sostenible, en este punto y con nuestra hoja de ruta demostramos nuestro compromiso con el Medio Ambiente, al mismo tiempo que con la sociedad. Pretendemos ser referentes en proyectos de economía circular. Por este motivo tenemos el compromiso de aplicar estrategias de recuperación de recursos y de mejorar la eficiencia energética. Nuestro compromiso sigue, y queremos seguir implementando acciones para crear un impacto real en nuestra sociedad.