In Fruselva we give our workers the value they deserve, because they are our most valuable resource. We are grateful for your work and knowledge of our business, and also for your talent. That is why we want to promote actions to ensure their well-being, both personal and work, security and equality.
The last of our actions implemented this year has been the accession to the entrepreneurship movement Desafio10X. This movement is an identifying seal, the aim of which is to ‘inspirate companies to share more fairly the value they generate, to improve the well-being of their workers.’ This distinction has been awarded to companies committed to reducing the pay gap, their main objective being that the difference between the highest and lowest salaries should not be greater than 10 times.
This initiative fills us with satisfaction that it is 100% in line with the way in which we want to develop with the company. It is also our way of promoting equality and sharing economic well-being, by putting our money where our mouth is.
Fruselva’s commitment to the Desafio10X movement goes hand in hand with a number of other actions that we have carried out over the years, such as the free bus to travel to the company, Christmas baskets and local holidays, supplementary health insurance or the Study Scholarship for both employees and their children, among other actions to achieve total equity among the employees of our company.
L’última de les nostres accions implantades enguany ha estat l’adhesió al moviment empresarial Desafío10X. Aquest moviment és un segell identificatiu, l’objectiu del qual és “inspirar a les empreses a compartir de manera més justa el valor que generen, per a millorar el benestar dels seus treballadors.” Aquesta distinció s’ha atorgat a les empreses compromeses amb reduir la bretxa salarial, el seu objectiu principal és que la diferència entre els sous més alts i els més baixos no sigui major a 10 vegades.